CSR Photography

Borough Market Photo Trip

Fresh vegetables laid out at Borough Market

On Friday 2nd March, we all took a visit to Borough Market, in Southwark (just minutes from where we work – so quite handy!).

Borough Market is a covered (for the most part) market which hosts an impressive selection of food plus some other odds and ends like bits and pieces for the kitchen etc. The range of foods on offer is massive, and includes fruits, vegetables, fish, oils, breads, cakes, confectionary, cheeses, nuts, eggs and meats. Most stall holders will give you a sample of what they have to offer which I quite liked, as it meant I got to taste some things I wouldn’t normally have bought without sampling!

The owners of the stalls lay out their produce as if they were targeting photographers first and actual buyers of their items second! It really is a great place for food photography, and makes a nice change from the norm. The stall holders didn’t seem to mind at all that we were snapping away (and not buying anything!)

We found that you could get quite creative with angles with close up food photography – we were pretty much all photographing the same thing at the same time, but from slightly different angles. Immediately after the shoot we had a quick photo viewing session and it was interesting seeing what each other had come up with.

I personally found this particular photo outing very rewarding, as the food was very photogenic. I think it is more inspiring when your photos come out well! My favourite shot I took was of a pile of fudge slabs side on, great depth of field and nice and sharp!

Anyway… not sure how we all  came away without parting with any cash, but I think it has been firmly decided to return soon with a bundle of notes and buy lots of goodness… ūber chocolate brownies especially!

This entry was written by simonjtaylor and published on March 5, 2012 at 6:30pm. It’s filed under London, Photography and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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